In many operations the changing business environment drives a need for flexibility that can scale and adapt. Fixed automation fulfillment excels in operations where speed and efficiency are critical, and inventory profiles and operational flows are well known. Manual operations provide the ultimate flexibility for a business to adapt processes while struggle with staffing, speed and accuracy. Robotics can help when you need more than manual processes can provide.
A range of robotic systems are available that can help. Figuring out the best-fit answer for a business often involves defining a combination of process and multiple technologies that can deliver flexibility, scale and a positive return on investment. Making a solution work means integrating the systems for coordinated fulfillment operations.

Goods-to-Robot Each Picking
Robotic Pick Cell (RPC) provides automated picking tote-tote, tote-bag, tote-box, etc. converting goods-to-person stations into goods-to-robot stations. The RCP picks a wide variety of items, rapidly identifying and picks them without needing pre-programmed SKU information using built-in algorithms to measure and adjust grip quality for accurate transfers.

Mobile Robotic Goods-To-Operator
Robotic Goods-to-Operator uses autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) to create a storage and retrieval picking subsystem that includes put-away, inventory storage, replenishment and order picking. The solution is very flexible in how it adapts to changing inventory profiles and order volumes. The modular system architecture of this approach can scale to increase storage volume or fulfillment throughput independently by adding more storage racks or robots, as needed. The subsystem works by tracking inventory stored in racks and bringing the racks required to fulfill an order to an operator station. The operator performs a pick from racks as they are presented, and consolidates items required for an order.

Robotic Put Walls
Sure Sort® is a compact scalable small-item sorting system alternative to traditional put wall that can be applied in order consolidation, retail replenishment, inbound SKU, kiting, returns and parcel sortation applications.

Robotic Shuttle Product Sortation (RSPS)
RSPS is an automated store replenishment fulfillment & sortation alternative to put walls and item loop sortation that can increase order fulfillment by up to 4X, maximize shipping container cube utilization by up to 10%, and fit in a compact footprint.

Articulated Arm Robotics
Articulated Arm Robotics automates the handling of pallets, cases and totes to address applications where repetitive motion or heavy lifting by an operator could cause injury or fatigue. A range of applications can be solved such as outbound order palletizing, inbound case depalletizing, or decasing inventory into totes.